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Our candles burn 5 hours per oz of wax. We pride ourselves on a slow burn. Our candles are best suited for an entire day of enjoyment
During the first 30 years of our formula's development, we found the best wicks for the strongest scent throw, a full even burn and longest burn time contained a very small amount of zinc (to maintain wick integrity). as the wax and scented oil heat up/burn away and the wick gets longer, you'll notice the smoke becoming more visible and climbing higher. If your candle's wick is too long or the incorrect size for the vessel, it will emit more soot. To keep your vessel as clean as possible during your burn, blow out the candle and clip the wick as soon as you begin to notice the flame getting too large. Relight the candle and continue to enjoy. Also make sure the candle isn't in any drafty areas as draft will feed the flame to burn the candle quicker and blow the smoke and soot against your vessel.
Soot is simply a natural and normal part of the candle burning experience. If aesthetic is an important part of your burning experience, we've found a simple cleaning/disinfectant wipe is the easiest and quickest way to clean your container before and after every burn session.
Candle burning is an art form! We know you love your Wicked Juls and we know your melt pool is pretty deep after your burning sessions! Keep your wick centered by moving the wick back to center after you've blown out your candle and before the wax cools and redries. You can use your fingers within a few minutes of blowing out your candle, or you can use a handy tool called a wick dip to manipulate and move the wick where you want it to go
Juls Candles can tunnel for a variety of reasons even though we work hard and pride ourselves on a long even burn. Here are a few reasons your candle could tunnel:
The wick has been clipped too short - if your wick is shorter than 1/2 inch, it can drown (the flame gets really small and cannot melt the candle all the way)
Your first burn didn't reach the end of your container - a candles burn pattern is like it's memory. The first burn is an important step to using all your wax. See the next FAQ for more details
The candle isn't melting the entire diameter during your burn sessions. Our candles burn for a very long time! Before you light your candle, be sure you have 4-6 hours of time to enjoy.
The room your candle is in is too cold - yes, colder months are some of our best candle burning memories! But you may notice your candles burning more slowly or not as well when it's cold outside. The ideal temperature to burn your candles efficiently is 68-78 degrees
Your candle is in a drafty area - for similar reasons to #3, a drafty area can cause uneven melting and solidifying
The candle wick isn't the right size for your scent or container - we always do our very best to produce the highest quality product, but we are human! Sometimes it's simply our fault that your candle isn't burning correctly. If you believe this to be the case, please reach out to us ASAP so we can fix the mistake and get your candles burning right!
We want you to utilize ever last drop of your Wicked Juls. “Tunneling” is that pesky candle problem that can leave some of your candles less than have used (you know, those candles that only burn an inch diameter from the center… blech!). Tunneling happens if the candle has not been burned long enough for a full melt across the top. Many people don’t know the importance of the first burn! To prevent tunneling, please make sure to burn your candle long enough for a full liquidation rim to rim on the container. If the candle is in a drafty area, rotating the candle every once in a while will help the wax to melt more evenly. For more candle burning tips, please click here
Wicked Juls Candles have a large scent throw which means sometimes bigger isn’t better. If you’re sensitive to scents or don’t want the candle to be too overpowering, think small candle small room, large room large candle! However if you’re like us and want to drown in Juls candle aroma, we suggest purchasing the large candles your heart desires.
Wicked Juls always has and always will be crafted by hand. We are real people pouring our hearts and souls into what we do. We care about our customer relationships more than anything and love collaborating with our customers creative energy. Our candles tell all of our stories from creation to their last burn. Our candles are more than a candle, they are a story, a relationship, a memory keeper and memory maker, an antidepressant, a dose of inspiration, and a reminder of love and light. The wax and oil formulas create liquid gold so good, we haven’t changed it in 25 years. With our candles you're guaranteed to experience the longest lasting candle, with the best scent throw and scented combinations on the market. You don’t understand candle burning until you burn a Juls Candle. It’s a difference you can feel.
We do! For large orders, please give us at least a month to complete the order. The more advanced notice, the better. Please send your company gift ideas/requests to info@wickedjulscandles.com